Pricing is dependent on project details and time involved.
Please inquire for an accurate rate, as each session is unique, rates vary.
Listed below are average investments for each category based on past projects.
Your booking could cost below or above the estimation, but the best way to determine cost is to inquire via email.
Engagement Session
Images delivered within 14 days
Printed Hardcover Photo Album
includes 35-45 edited photos
and a 24hr-48hr turn around time
Tempe|Arcadia: $350/hr
other Valley cities: $350/hr + travel rate
(varies on distance; ie: Gilbert=$25)
Out of State: cost of ticket, lodgings, $350/hr
includes 35-45 edited photos with a 24-48 hour turn around time
includes personalized movie with clips from the session
please email to discuss details and vision, and to receive an accurate rate
includes 35-45 edited photos with a 24-48 hour turn around time
high quality fully edited video in addition to photos is available